And He said to them, "It is written,'My house shall be called a house of prayer,’…”
Matthew 21:13 NKJV

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Spying on David

Tim Franklin
Freedom Christian Center

“Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and said...” 2 Samuel 7:18

The sound of these words, are so intriguing and at the same time, so humbling. To read any further makes me feel like I am almost spying on King David. Yet his actions are so deliberate and purposeful that I cannot just let him slip by. I must see where he goes. I must hear his conversations.

Oh, to live a life of prayer so natural, so communal before God, that others are drawn to follow, that they might hear the words of my heart before the Living God. Some would say it is an art to pray as David prays following this opening line. David was so incredibly humbled, by the goodness of God, that his prayers came dancing off his lips, driven by the song in his heart.

“Who am I Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?” Now there is the voice of a man who is fully aware of the goodness of the Lord. He evidently feels he is getting something that he does not deserve. And, he is obviously overwhelmed by the kindness of the Lord―to him and to his family. David is experiencing gratitude as he comes in and sits before the Lord. He is like a playful child that wants to talk. He wants to be thankful. He wants to be appreciative. He wants to give back to the Blesser. The only words he can find in the midst of all the goodness of the Lord is, “Your name will be magnified forever!”

A house of prayer, a person of prayer, a church of prayer will have to begin at the place of humility before God that comes from having seen how much He has freely given us. It is the kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance. It is the mercy and goodness of the Lord that leads to humility that results in gratitude.

David was honoring God by going in to sit before him. Some of our greatest connections with God will happen when we just come and sit. You can sit and talk or you can just sit. There is no pressure to perform. Just an invitation to be yourself before your Father.

More followers of Christ would find greater joy in Father God if they just paused to remember how good He has been to them. He is faithful to His Word. His promises endure forever. My future destiny and heritage are destined to be great by the word of His mouth.

Oh Lord, my Lord, you have been kind to me. And to my sons!

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