And He said to them, "It is written,'My house shall be called a house of prayer,’…”
Matthew 21:13 NKJV

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Always Pray and Don't Lose Heart

Pastor Tim Franklin, Freedom Christian Center, Melbourne, FL

Luke 18:1 Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart. NKJV.

I love the way Jesus teaches! He tells a parable, and up front He gives the meaning. “I tell you a parable and the meaning is this: Always pray and do not lose heart.” This is one of those, “Hey, I really want you to get this” teachings.

The main question(s) that follow this statement today is: “How do I do that? How do I not grow weary of praying? How do I keep myself from getting tired of the place of prayer? How do I keep myself from getting discouraged or wanting to quit?” Jesus gives us a hint in verse six when He tells us to hear what the unjust judge said. Luke 18:4-5 Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. NKJV

We must not forget that Jesus tells this parable in the context of the end of the age, Luke 17:20-37. It is in this place of urgency that we are instructed to never give up praying. It is urgent that we not lose heart in the midst of circumstances that have the capacity to offend us. The natural progression of the natural man is: Why is this happening to me? Where is God? Why is He not answering? I guess He does not care; therefore, there is no need for me to pray. How do I keep my heart from going to the place of prayerlessness?

Know who you are talking to--Jesus. The woman in this parable is talking to an unjust judge who has no fear of God or concern for men. We are talking to Jesus! The Righteous Judge who delights in the fear of the Lord, Is. 11:3, and who has all humanity in heart, not willing that any would perish.

Don’t forget why you are talking--Justice. The woman was asking for justice! “God, make that which is wrong-right!” Until Jesus returns and sets up His Kingdom on earth, there will be more than enough wrongs needing to be made right in this age. We are to live burdened to see the injustices of this life done away with. This must begin in the place of prayer.

Know that prayer was a priority to Jesus. Jesus, himself, demonstrates the priority of prayer as we watch His life. He is up before the sun praying. He prays long into the night after great ministry success. He was so good at it that the disciples asked Him, “Teach us to pray like that.”
When Jesus returns will He find us in the place of faith. Faith in the midst of trials is real faith! We walk by faith and not by sight. When I have nothing in the natural to look at but His Word, and nothing in the natural to trust, but His Word, there am I in the place of faith, if I do not give way to doubt.

If you know who you are talking to: Jesus-that is intimacy. If you know what you are talking about: justice-that is urgency to see wrongs made right. You will stay motivated to pray. If you know that Jesus leads by example-He is always praying and ever lives to make intercession, you too will pray. When your heart is set on His Word and you believe it—you will stand in faith.

Therefore, always pray and do not lose heart!


  1. Prayer is the key to winning souls to Christ! The great commission is to carry the gospel to the nations. This commission is for all born again believers. Praise God!!!

    Sister Marsha
    Key Ministries International

  2. Wow, that is excellent! It also reminds me of my experience in foreign lands. In some places I learned more of the language than in others. The more fluent I was in the language, the more effective I was at conversations with the natives of that land and the more I enjoyed the interaction. When I didn't know the language as well, it was frustrating. Even when I was around the citizens of that land, I had little to say...a word...a sentence...some hand gestures. Once I was even in a car accident. Try having a car accident in a land where you don't speak the language. The police are there but you can't say much... On the other hand, I found that my interaction was sweeter and my conversations were longer when I knew more of the language.
    Believers are citizens of the Kingdom. The language is the Word of God and Jesus is King! The more we know the language(The Word), the more we can say(pray). The more we know the word, the more we recognize when injustice has occurred. If we recognize it and know the language, we can take it straight to the KING and report it! We can tell Him all about it and we can understand/be encouraged by all that He says in return. We can be encouraged, instead of losing heart, that King is on the job and He shall not fail!

  3. Shhhhh....stillness...
    Do you hear that sound God?
    It is the sound of my footsteps...running hard after you!
    Run hard after Him Kingdom people. Run!
